Docker for greater productivity with CI/CD


October 22, 2023


Our products and services range from Mobile Apps, Web portals, and Embedded systems, to UI/UX design spanning a wide array of languages and technologies such as .Net. Core C# React, ASP .Net, HTML, Bootstrap Webservice, Java Script and J query, Python, Embedded C, C++, VC++, Android, Swift. The development of these solutions and applications required a huge software and hardware infrastructure to support development across the organization.

Containers and virtual machines were the two most popular approaches to setting up software infrastructure for any organization to facilitate development. However, with the exponential rise in workload size, VMS became expensive as they consume considerable CPU and memory resources. Containerization has gained momentum as it simplifies the development and delivery of distributed, agile, cloud-native, applications

Sentiment Analysis for Effective Employee Performance Management 

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November 24, 2023

Sentiment Analysis for Effective Employee Performance Management 

Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is an approach to natural language processing...

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October 22, 2023

Docker for greater productivity with CI/CD

Our products and services range from Mobile Apps, Web portals, and Embedded...

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October 22, 2023

Remove architectural limitations to advance business

EduSmart is a US-based educational portal that promotes learning science for K-12...

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